Happy New Year from all of us at iWorship Sphere, we said a prayer for you at the beginning of the year, you can catch a glimpse of it from the video below. We pray that the year will be beautiful for you and you will experience ease on all sides in Jesus name.

In Luke 7 verse 1-10, 4 people stand out from the chapter and these 4 people leave us with 4 life lessons that we can run with through the year 2022. The story revolves around the Centurion, his servant, the Jewish Elders and Jesus Christ. Peradventure you have never read the story, let me give you a little background.

The Centurion had done many good works for the Jews and when he saw that his servant was very sick, he quickly reached out to the Jewish elders so they could speak to Jesus on his behalf and Jesus would in turn save his servant. Jesus was going about the Father’s business (saving lives) as usual and He just got into Carpanum when these Jewish elders asked Him to save the Centurion’s servant and Jesus obliged them. This passage leaves us with a lot of lessons but below are 4 lessons from the key players in the story.

  1. The Centurion: The Centurion shows us how God expects us to treat subordinates who are doing a good work. He doesn’t leave his servant to death, instead he does everything within his power to save him. The centurion who is a Roman, must have assumed that Jesus would not attend to him since they were from different tribes. Therefore, he sent elders to speak to Jesus on his behalf. This centurion went the extra mile to ensure that his servant was made whole. He displayed a high level of humility by not waiting for Jesus to come to him as well as a high level of Faith which was commended by Jesus. He believed Jesus could speak the word from wherever he was and the servant would be healed.

Whatever position we find ourselves in life, no matter how high the position may be, we must remember to use our influence and authority in a way that would glorify God. We should treat others with respect and honour. Seek help where it is needed and receive help when it is offered.

  • The Servant: The servant shows us that there is a good reward for being faithful in service. If he wasn’t serving faithfully, his master would not have gone the extra mile for him to be healed. How often do we do poorly at our places of work yet expect a great reward? Many people are quick to complain about their bosses not being good to them but they do poorly on the job. The Bible admonishes that it is expected for a steward to be found faithful. So, we should take a cue from the Centurion’s servant and be faithful in our places of assignment. We would be rewarded greatly.
  • The Jewish Elders: In this passage, the Centurion did not come to Jesus by himself, He sent some Elders of the Jews to speak to Jesus on his behalf. This was a wise move on his part because if you need something from someone, there is no better way to make your request than to send someone you know they would listen to especially when you have no relationship with the person in question. The Elders moved quickly and they didn’t hesitate to tell Jesus about the good works the centurion had done for the Jewish people. Don’t hesitate to help those who need your help this year. Be the answer to someone’s prayer, be the intercessor, or the mediator. Don’t be the one who stands in the way of a person’s success story.
  • Jesus Christ: Jesus came into the world to save sinners of every tribe and tongue. He did not limit his work to a particular set of people. He responded to the cry of the Centurion and followed the Elders. Jesus is lord of the universe, he could have chosen not to go but he understood his assignment and moved accordingly. Do you know what God has called you to do this year? Are you walking in the path destined for you or are you following the crowd? This is the year to shine your light for all to see. If you are still confused as to what God will have you do, please go on a personal retreat and ask Him to show you and tell you.

Jesus commended the faith of the centurion. When people do good work, we should let them know. The culture of saying good things about a person only during their burial ceremony has to end. People who impact our lives should know they are doing well.

We wish you the best of the New Year. Go on and shine your light.

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